Aug 26
dentist hand with orthodontic tool show wisdom teeth toothache

Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Having Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Many adults notice the appearance of an extra set of molars somewhere around their 18th birthday. Known as wisdom teeth, these molars cause problems for many adults and often have to be removed. If the idea of having your wisdom teeth removed causes you to break out in a cold sweat, consider the following reasons why now is usually better than later to have it done.

Wisdom Teeth Can Damage Neighboring Teeth

Dental crowding is more than a cosmetic problem. It can contribute to a host of issues from irritating to potentially devastating. Unfortunately, many adult jaws are simply not large enough to accommodate a full set of teeth. This leads to overcrowding, the problems of which go much deeper than appearance.

Wisdom teeth, whether erupted or impacted, often contribute to overcrowding. Failing to remove them when a dental professional recommends it can lead to complications. When teeth do not have enough space to fit, symptoms may include:

  • Difficulty speaking clearly
  • Trouble keeping them clean
  • An increase in cavities and gum disease
  • Bad breath

They May Cause Infections or Gum Disease

The above problems assume that your wisdom teeth have fully erupted. However, that isn’t always the case. In fact, nine out of ten people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth. Unfortunately, an impacted tooth is usually a dental problem waiting to happen.

For example, wisdom teeth are prone to infections when they are impacted. They also disturb the gum line and cause irritation, which may cause you to avoid the area when cleaning. As a result, partially impacted wisdom teeth are commonly associated with gum disease. This is concerning since doctors are increasingly building connections between periodontal and heart diseases.

Wisdom Teeth Are Prone To Cavities

Another concern with putting off wisdom teeth extraction in Orem, UT is that these teeth are prone to cavities. To see why, just think about how difficult it is to reach your other molars when flossing. Reaching into the back of your mouth is uncomfortable at best, nearly impossible at worst. If you also have a sensitive gag reflex, simply brushing your wisdom teeth may be difficult.

Conditions like these, where food particles may be left on and between teeth, offer the perfect opportunity for cavities to develop. Compounding this is the fact that you don’t often use wisdom teeth for chewing. As a result, you may not notice right away if they become sensitive or show other signs of decay. This can contribute to a delay in care, often magnifying any issues.

Safe, Professional Wisdom Teeth Extraction In Orem, UT

While wisdom teeth may have once served a purpose, today, they are more often the cause of dental problems. If extraction has been recommended for you, it is critical to find professional care. Dr. Jenkins at Riverwood Oral Surgery is experienced in wisdom tooth extraction and related procedures. Our staff will review your dental history and make care recommendations, keeping you fully informed throughout the process. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a consultation.